Team RWB

Team RWB is a veteran's service organization that provides opportunities for veterans and the community to connect through physical and social activity. I first became aware of them when I saw people in Team RWB shirts helping a man navigate the Bataan Memorial Death March (BMDM) using a hand-cranked vehicle to propel himself. His legs didn't function, but his arms did and although I didn't know who they were at the time, it was clear he had a most excellent support crew.

When I got back to the hotel room, I web searched Team RWB and learned that they were open to civilians. Eventually I decided to join because my father served in the Air Force for twenty years and as an Air Force brat I went to a few years of school on base. I figured I had a bit of experience with the BMDM and perhaps I could help out some way.

Over the years our Albuquerque group has turned into a national chapter through the great leadership of many captains. I'm lucky to have found them and honored that they allow me to participate in their various activities.