
At the time this page was written, every detail was correct. However, while mb2 is still under rapid deployment, there's a chance that some of the information on this page may inadvertently become outdated. So, don't bet your life—or anyone else's—that the information here is correct.

Everyone's privacy is important to the developers of mb2. As such, mb2 does not use cookies. Mb2 does, however, use your browser's session storage and local storage to keep track of your being logged in and connected to tables. So, were your computer to be forensically examined, it would be possible to tell that you've been connected to mb2.

Mb2 logs almost all traffic between the client and the server. The exception is that your login credentials are not logged. These logs are used for debugging and are currently retained forever.

Mb2 uses Cloudflare as a content delivery network, but the WebSockets that connect your lobby and table pages to the server do not run through Cloudflare.

Mb2 currently runs on AWS (Amazon Web Services). The initial connection your browser makes to mb2 runs through an AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) which decrypts that initial HTTPS connection. However, the successive connections your browser makes to mb2's server run on WebSockets and the WebSocket connections do not go through an ALB. These WebSockets are WSS encrypted and the traffic is decoded on the AWS instance running mb2 (i.e., it is not decrypted at the Load Balancer). Authentication credentials (e.g. your password's hash) are only passed through the WebSockets.

GitHub Authentication

As a proof-of-concept, mb2 allows players to create accounts using GitHub's OAuth server. Nobody is required or even encouraged to use this obscure feature. It exists simply to make sure that mb2's authorization subsystem supported OAuth. It is likely that other OAuth servers will also be supported as options for authorizing, but mb2 will never require an account to be created via OAuth. So, if you don't want Microsoft knowing you're using mb2, don't use the GitHub Authentication.